Meet the Bear Dice Team

Brand Manager


Nemo is a halfling who grew up in the human race and hasan elf-human mix.
In the world of DND board game, he is like a fish out ofwater, looking for clues with his elf sense, loving adventuresand exploring, curious about magic, and fully devoted tofighting and solving puzzles.
He is dynamic and lively, with wisdom and courage to breakthrough the barrier, infect others with enthusiasm, and goon a fantasy journey to bloom.

Design Director


In the world of DND, Dwarf Thorin Stonehammer is the ArtDirector.
With his knowledge and experience, he leads young Dwarvenartists in their quest to revitalize the Clan's artistic traditions.
He has ancient artistic memories in his head, is a fan of TheLord of the Rings, and uses history as a source of inspiration.knowing that it is by tapping into the memories that the treeof art can grow.

Broduct Manager


In the DND world, Chris the Orc is the product manager. He'stall and has sharp fangs, but he's a man with a heart of gold.
When his team was in need of a new item to fight monsters,he worked day and night to build a powerful weapon withperseverance and creativity, which was the key to success inthe adventure, and after being praised, he continued toprovide adventurers with a good product, leaving behind awonderful story!

Marketing Manager


In the world of Dungeons & Dragons, the dragonborn colyhas fiery red scales and a fiery heart.
Born in a family that prizes strength, she breathes fire as herweapon of choice, and in business as a battle weapon.
As a marketing manager, she uses the power ofdetermination and planning, good at analyzing trends andformulating strategies, good communication and leadership,good learning to stay ahead of the curve, writing her ownlegend.

Sales Manager


My name is Tivlin Vivian and l work as Operations Manager atDND World.
Ihave been prejudiced since l was born, and I have beenstudying hard to improve myself, observing the trade andresearching the market.
I know the road ahead is long and difficult, but l firmly believethat if l keep on fighting, l will be able to create brilliantachievements and make my own way in this fantasy world.

Operations Manager


In the world of fantasy, Shava the High Elf is the planningmanager for the DND Runners. She designs adventures andleads adventurers into enchanted castles where artifacts arehidden.
In the face of traps and monsters, Shava's brilliant planningand teamwork bring out the magic of the elves, the braveryof the warriors, and the resourcefulness of the thieves. Whenthe artifact is finally found, Shava demonstrates exceptionaleadership.