D100 Dice for Beginners: Learn How to Use and Master D100 & D% Dice

The most common dice on the table of Dungeons & Dragons are the classic six-sided dice, eight-sided dice, ten-sided dice, and twenty-sided dice. Less people may know about D100 dice, but in some battles and situations, you still need to roll D100 to determine the direction of events. Therefore, you don't have to worry too much about the challenges brought by the unfamiliar D100 in dungeon exploration. This introductory guide will take you step by step into the inner world of D100 dice.

Get to know the D100 dice

D100, D stands for ""dice"", which means a dice with 100 faces, so it is also called a percent dice or a hundred-sided dice. It is approximately spherical in shape, but its surface is not a completely smooth sphere, but has certain planes or arcs to clearly mark the numbers from 1 to 100. Compared with the common D6 and D10, it is really a ""big guy"" that can give super-precise results.

 D100 | 100 DND Dice | Bear DiceD100 dice with 100 sides and a hollow metal sphere

Although each single face looks small, 100 faces combined will form a huge sphere, and the rolling effect is very good. If you are exploring and fighting on a small and smooth table, it will be more difficult to deal with it, because it may run out of the boundary of your dungeon.

D100 not only has a shape similar to a sphere, but also has an angular face. The angular face of D100 is called D%, and it has only 10 faces, namely 00, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90. It is better to see it once than to say too much, so you can see its appearance in the DND dice store.

Green resin ten-sided D100 dice | Bear DiceD10 variant D% - 10 angular faces and numbers from 00 to 90

 What are the ways to use D100? How to read the reading?

1. Throw a D100: Just throw the D100 dice gently, and the number displayed on the upper side after landing is the result of this throw.

2. The method of replacing a D100 is to use two D10s: the result of one D10 is used as the ones digit, and the result of the other D10 is used as the tens digit. However, this throwing method will have a fuzzy combination order. For example, if you use two identical D10s to throw, and throw the numbers ""1"" and ""9"" respectively, then the final result of the throw is ""19"" or ""91"", so you need to determine the throwing order of the ones and tens digits in advance.

3. Throw a D% + a D10: Just throw the D% upward, the number thrown is the tens digit; then throw a D10 to determine the ones digit, so that the final throw result can be determined.

The numbers of D10 are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, so please pay attention to the special case of this throwing method:
  • 00 + 0 = 100
  • 00 + other numbers except 0 = other numbers themselves (for example, 00 and 2 are read as 2, 00 and 7 are read as 7)

All our dice sets include D10 and D%, and we also provide single D100, which can not only meet your throwing needs, but also add surprises and fun to your game experience. Come and experience it!

What is D100 used for?

  • Basic roll judgment:  In the game, when a random value needs to be determined to determine the outcome of an event, the performance of a character's attributes, etc. For example, in a role-playing game, to determine whether the character's magic is successful, the rules set the roll of D100. If the result is between 1 and 40, it is a failure, 41 and 80 is a normal cast, and 80 and 100 are super effective.
  • Combined with other dice: D100 dice can often be used in conjunction with other dice. For example, first roll a twenty-sided dice to determine the general direction or category, and then roll the D100 dice to clarify the specific numerical details. For example, in an adventure game, first roll the twenty-sided dice to determine whether you encounter a monster, a trap, or a treasure. If you determine that you encounter a monster, then roll the D100 dice to determine the monster's strength level, and determine the difficulty of dealing with it according to different numerical ranges.
  • Multiple rolls for comprehensive judgment: For some complex situations, multiple D100 dice will be rolled and the results will be analyzed comprehensively. For example, to simulate the loss of troops in a battle, each D100 roll represents the loss ratio of one side's army in a single battle. After multiple rolls, the overall loss is estimated and the basis for the development of the game plot is provided.
This is the story between D100, D% and D10. I hope that through this introductory guide, you can use this rich knowledge no matter which board game you are on.

DND Blue White Cat resin D% dice Amethyst Gem D&D dice set DND Dragon Eye Metal Dice Set, including D%
Are you ready to explore more amazing dice sets through D100 dice? Come and check out our affordable resin, metal, gemstone, acrylic, and role-playing dice sets!
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